Japan-Cambodia association office to attract more investments to Cambodia

: The Minister of Labour and Vocational Training considers the opening of the Japan-Cambodia Association Office in Phnom Penh as solid confidence in doing business with Cambodia.

H.E. Heng Sour underscored the insight when presiding over the inauguration of the business liaison office on April 1, interpreting both its economic and political meaning.

Economically, he added, the existence of the office will justify the confidence of Japan in Cambodia's stability among Japanese investors interested in in the country.

On a political level, the establishment of the Japan-Cambodia Association Office implies blossoming comprehensive strategic relations between the two countries after passing the 70th anniversary recently.

The Government of Japan opens the office as a point of information on business and investment in Cambodia among Japanese investors and a liaison mechanism facilitating and connecting the investors with Cambodia's pertinent ministries and institutions.

On behalf of the Royal Government of Cambodia, H.E. Heng Sour vowed to support the functioning of the association office, being optimistic that it will bring in more Japanese investments and create more jobs for Cambodians.

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