Cambodian to export energy to Singapore

PHNOM PENH: The Royal Group Power Company Ltd. (RGP) of Cambodia and Keppel Energy Pte Ltd. (KE) of Singapore have reached an energy purchase agreement for the export of renewable energy to Singapore via submarine high-voltage transmission, according to AKP.

The agreement was signed on March 15 in Singapore by Oknha Kith Meng, Chairman of the Royal Group, RGP's parent company, and Cindy Lim, Chief Executive Officer of Keppel Infrastructure (KI), KE's parent company, in the presence of H.E. Suy Sem, Minister of Mines and Energy, H.E. Keo Ratanak, Director General of the Electricité du Cambodge (EDC), H.E. Yem Piseth, Director-General of the Electricité Authority.

According to the agreement, one gigatonne (GW) of renewable energy will be exported from Cambodia to Singapore. The imported electricity will be generated using solar energy, hydropower, and possibly wind power, and will be supported by battery energy storage systems or pumped storage hydropower.

According to H.E. Suy Sem, the two governments strongly support the agreement. “The agreement promotes cross-border energy and power integration among Member States, including Cambodia and Singapore,” he said.

H.E. Tan See Leng said the partnership between Keppel and RGP demonstrates the “strong commercial interest and viability” of renewable energy co-development projects for cross-border electricity trade. “This agreement is a watershed moment in the journey to develop renewable energy resources… including importing electricity into Singapore,” he added.

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