CVEA-CCA meeting to promote sustainable real estate development

PHNOM PENH: On April 25, 2023, Mr. Sorn Seap, the President of the Cambodian Valuers and Estate Agents Association and Executive Management Team, had a meeting with Oknha Charles Vann, the Acting President of the Constructors Association, and his management team at the office of CCA Secretariat.

During the meeting, Mr. Sorn Seap expressed his enthusiasm for the potential partnership between the Cambodian Valuers and Estate Agents Association and the Cambodia Constructors Association. He stressed that both associations have a significant role to play in the development of the real estate industry in Cambodia and that they should work together to ensure that the sector continues to prosper.

Mr. Seap also highlighted some of the critical challenges facing the industry, such as the need for greater in infrastructure and the need to attract more foreign investment. He suggested that by working together, the associations could enhance their collective bargaining power and become more effective advocates for the industry.

Oknha Charles Vann, the Acting President of the Cambodia Constructors Association, echoed Mr. Seap's sentiments and expressed his eagerness to explore potential areas of collaboration between the two associations. He recognized that the expertise of the Cambodian Valuers and Estate Agents Association would be invaluable in helping his organization to navigate the complex dynamics of the real estate market.

After a productive discussion, the two sides agreed to explore ways in which they could collaborate on projects such as promoting sustainable real estate development, providing affordable housing, and developing new technologies to improve the industry's efficiency. They also agreed to consult each other on relevant policy matters and to coordinate their activities where possible.

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