Cambodia exports processed fish products to Australia

PHNOM PENH: A fish processing enterprise – Home Taste Food – has exported its first batch of the processed fish products to Australia, becoming the first 's firm exporting fish products officially to foreign markets.

Some 4.7 tonnes of processed fish products have been shipped to Australia, said Mrs. Sim Sereyroth, founder of the Home Taste Food Enterprise, based in Siem Reap province.

“The first formal export of processed fish products makes a significant step for us and reflects that the local products are now qualified for export to foreign markets,” she said.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry (MAFF) applauded the presence of Cambodian processed fish products in the international market and the ministry is ready to facilitate the export expansion, said the MAFF's Under Secretary of State and Spokeswoman H.E. Ms. Im Rachna.

“Home Taste Food is the first Cambodian enterprise to officially export processed fish products to foreign markets,” she said.

The Kingdom has sought for opportunity in the European market for processed fish products.

According to H.E. Ms. Im Rachna, in order to be qualified as processed fish exporter, Home Taste Food has been undergoing training by the CAPFISH-Capture, implemented by the MAFF's Fisheries Administration and United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), she added.

“The enterprises that can export processed fish products abroad are recognised by the UNIDO and the Fisheries Administration through awarding Cambodia Quality Seal (CQS) Certification,” the spokeswoman pointed out.

CQS is a prestigious certification scheme owned by the Department of Fisheries Post-harvest Technologies and Quality Control under the Fisheries Administration.

It was established specifically for fish and fishery products to recognise business operators in Cambodia for their commitment to high-quality and safe products.

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