PHNOM PENH: According to a top official from the Ministry of Commerce, up to now, 1,070 e-commerce-related licenses and permits have been granted to various corporations, companies, and businesses.
The advantages of this business sector entail cutting costs and time, surging sales and productivity, broadening market scope, and more exceptional customer services, all contributing to enhancing the national economy.

Moreover, this trade field can potentially increase both local and global market economies. In 2023, the registration rate for online business is expected to escalate in e-commerce as this novelty industry promises to create new income sources, yet its realization relies on Cambodia’s economic standing as well.
Thanks to e-commerce, Cambodia’s economy and commerce activities have grown, leading to the emergence of new ventures, massive investments, more jobs, and the expansion of goods and services markets.
The tax revenue generated through e-commerce transactions has totaled $26.81 million (108.57 billion Riels) for the first four months of 2023.
The collection of value-added tax from e-commerce transactions has become a substantial source of revenue for Cambodia, with more and more businesses registering and fulfilling their tax obligations.