PHNOMP PENH: Today, H.E. Sun Chanthol, Senior Minister and Minister of Public Works and Transport, along with His Excellency, Lok Chumteav, Chairman of the Provincial Council, Governor of the Province, officials, local authorities, citizens, and students attended the official inauguration ceremony of Dang Tong Port in Khemarak Poumin city, Koh Kong Province.
Dang Tong Port is a new tourist and retail logistics port along City Road 900 in Village 2, Sangkat Smach Meanchey, Khemarak Phoumin City, Koh Kong Province. It has been built using Khmer human resources and a modern architectural style according to technical standards to ensure long-term use.

The port was constructed with a national budget of approximately 12,897,000,000 Riels (4126 Riel / USD), and the construction was done in two phases. The port spans 115 meters long, 16.50 meters wide, and 4 to 8 meters deep, accommodating 2,000 tons of cargo ships.

The project also includes several infrastructures, such as a concrete bridge connecting the port with the entrance, a passenger terminal, an administrative building, a public bathroom, a drainage system, a fence, and a gate, among others, which is built using a national budget of nearly 13 billion riels.
The port, tourism, and flagship goods contribute to the connectivity and richness of maritime infrastructure in the four coastal provinces of Cambodia and promote sustainable economic growth in the three coastal countries of Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam, a part of the Greater Mekong Subregion.
The port infrastructure construction is also intended to facilitate the safe and efficient transportation of goods, passengers, and tourists along the coast.