PHNOM PENH: H.E. Hem Vanndy, Minister of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation, joined H.E. Cham Nimul, Minister of Commerce, and H.E. Dith Tina, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, on a visit to rice millers in Kampong Speu province on Aug. 22.
According to the Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation (MISTI), during the visit, the ministers were briefed on the operations of Apsara Rice and Primalis Corporation and toured their processing facilities, where they engaged in discussions with the companies to enhance Cambodia’s competitiveness in the global rice market.

H.E. Hem Vanndy commended the two rice millers for their adherence to production standards, adoption of technology and compliance with market regulations. He emphasised the importance of strengthening internal production capabilities in preparation for Cambodia’s upcoming graduation from Least Developed Country (LDC) status.

H.E. Minister also highlighted the tightening of market requirements, particularly regarding environmental safeguards, and encouraged the companies to adopt greener practices and embrace a circular economy to not only maximise their potential but also support local enterprises.
He added that MISTI has transformed the National Laboratory of Science, Technology and Innovation into a public administration institution to expand its capacity to test a wider range of parameters, including those for the rice and agro-processing sector.
MISTI, he assured, stands ready to offer additional public services that have also undergone reforms to better meet the needs of the private sector.