Pursat Province: A Hidden Gem in Cambodia’s Northwest

PHNOM PENH: According to the Pursat Provincial Administration website, this northwestern Cambodian province offers a wealth of natural beauty, economic potential, and cultural heritage.

Location and Geography:

Pursat Province, located 186 kilometers northwest of Phnom Penh, is bordered by Kampong Chhnang, Battambang, Thailand, Tonle Sap Lake, and Kampong Speu. With a total area of 1,269,200 hectares, the province boasts extensive forests, flooded forests, agricultural land, and other natural resources.

Demographics and Administration:

Pursat is divided into six districts, one city, 42 communes, seven communes, and 511 villages. The population, estimated at 492,800, is predominantly engaged in agriculture, with a significant portion of the population being women.

Economic Resources and Potential:

The province is rich in natural resources, including forests, minerals, and freshwater fish. Agriculture, particularly orange cultivation, is a key economic driver. Pursat also offers significant tourism potential with its natural and cultural attractions.

Hydropower and Energy:

Pursat is renowned for its hydropower potential, earning the nickname “Battery Tank of the Kingdom of Cambodia” With an estimated capacity of 350 megawatts of electricity and 240 megawatts of solar power, the province can significantly contribute to Cambodia’s energy needs and even export surplus electricity.

Cultural Heritage:

Pursat is home to a unique cultural heritage, particularly in the realm of traditional arts and crafts. The province is known for its exquisite marble, wood, and luxury wood sculptures, reflecting the artistic skills of its people.

With its pristine forests, abundant natural resources, and thriving agricultural sector, Pursat Province presents a promising future for Cambodia. As the “Battery Tank of the Kingdom,” its hydropower potential offers a significant contribution to the nation’s energy needs. Moreover, the province’s cultural heritage and tourism attractions make it a hidden gem worth exploring.

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