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Estatedia | Economy & Real Estate Media in Cambodia

Phnom Penh-Sihaknoukville to boost major industrial investments in Kompong Speu

PHNOM PENH: Economists believe that after the Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville Expressway project is launched, Kampong Speu, located between the two cities, will become an industrial investment destination capable of absorbing even more investment potential.

Dr. Ky Sereyvath, an economist at the Royal Academy of Cambodia, believes that when Cambodia opens the Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville Expressway, it intention contribute to faster transportation and increased investor confidence, particularly in terms of investment in the province of Kampong Speu.

“These investments include the industrial sector, where investors will be able to assess their investment potential in Kampong Speu due to the province’s low land prices and ability to build many factories for export markets,” he said. More regional investment reports are expected to arrive in Cambodia in the future.

H.E Vy Samnang, Governor of Kampong Speu, stated that what Cambodia is getting, particularly what Kampong Speu is experiencing, is the result of peace, development in all areas, and infrastructure development, in particular.

He went on to say that, in fact, the infrastructure in Kampong Speu has improved; there are roads, water, electricity, and, at the same time, highways; investors can now look for investment opportunities in Kampong Speu.

The administration of the provincial hall has been involved in the geographical location, especially since the expressway’s inauguration day to ensure investors can get information from all angles. Kampong Speu province has previously received a slew of investment opportunities.


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