Minister Pheaktra Welcomes GWM: Boosting Cambodia’s Economy Through Manufacturing and Exports

PHNOM PENH: Cambodia's Information Minister, Neth Pheaktra, recently visited the Great Wall Motor (GWM) showroom in Phnom Penh. He hailed GWM's investment as a significant boost to the Cambodian , creating new jobs and offering high-quality vehicles to consumers.

GWM, a leading global manufacturer of SUVs and pickups, is known for its rapid development and customer satisfaction. Minister Pheaktra was impressed by GWM's modern cars, including some powered by renewable energy, a plus for Cambodia's environmental goals.

He noted the rising living standards in Cambodia, allowing people to afford new, modern cars. To further connect with Cambodian consumers, Minister Pheaktra suggested GWM collaborate with local media to promote their vehicles in Khmer, Chinese, and English across social media platforms.

Responding to Cambodia's economic growth and increasing demand for new cars, GWM representatives confirmed they are importing high-quality vehicles for the Cambodian market.

Interestingly, GWM's reach extends beyond car sales. Their Dubai headquarters facilitates the of Cambodian agricultural products, including fragrant rice, cashew nuts, mango jam, and lentils, to the Arab market.

Minister Pheaktra highlighted Cambodia's abundance of agricultural products like rice, pepper, durian, fruits, and bananas, already exported internationally. He believes GWM's involvement in processing and packaging Cambodian agricultural products can significantly benefit farmers. This collaboration can provide valuable knowledge and skills in processing and packaging for export markets.

Minister Pheaktra encouraged GWM to expand its support for Cambodian products by processing and packaging a wider range of goods. GWM representatives expressed their commitment to expanding their market reach for Cambodian products internationally.

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