Huawei Renews Commitment to Cambodia’s Digital Transformation

PHNOM PENH: Huawei, a global technology leader, has reaffirmed its dedication to supporting Cambodia’s digital transformation through strategic partnerships and investments in human capital.

The company’s interest in expanding its role in Cambodia’s industrial digitalisation was discussed in a meeting on Aug. 30 between H.E. Hem Vanndy, Minister of MISTI and Mr. Zhang Zhenjun, Vice President of Huawei Asia Pacific.

Huawei expressed its keen interest in collaborating on industrial digitalization initiatives. The company highlighted its commitment to fostering innovation, promoting digital literacy, and empowering local businesses. Huawei has been instrumental in nurturing local talent through various training programs. Over 3,000 Cambodian students and professionals have benefited from these initiatives, acquiring essential skills in app development and digital technologies.

The company aims to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by providing accessible and affordable public cloud solutions. Huawei is keen to partner with MISTI to drive digital transformation across various industries, leveraging its expertise in technologies such as wireless networks, solar energy, and smart devices.

Reinforcing its commitment to Cambodia, Huawei’s Vice President, Mr. Zhang Zhenjun, emphasized the company’s long-standing presence in the country and its unwavering support for its development. He highlighted Huawei’s global research and development efforts, which contribute to cutting-edge technological advancements.

MISTI Minister H.E. Hem Vanndy welcomed Huawei’s renewed commitment and encouraged the company to further expand its involvement in Cambodia’s digital ecosystem. He emphasized the importance of affordable and accessible digital services for SMEs to enhance their competitiveness and contribute to the country’s economic growth.

As Huawei continues to invest in Cambodia’s digital future, its partnership with MISTI and its focus on human capital development are poised to play a crucial role in driving the country’s technological progress and economic prosperity.

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