Chinese-Shanghai Delegation Strengthens Ties with Cambodian Chamber of Commerce

PHNOM PENH: On Tuesday, September 3, 2024, Neak Oknha Lim Heng, Vice President of the Cambodian Chamber of Commerce, represented Neak Oknha Kith Meng, Neak Oknha Kith Meng, President of the Cambodia Chamber of Commerce (CCC), in a meeting with Mr. Zhou Minhao, Chairman of the Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shanghai (CPIT). The meeting took place during Mr. Zhou’s visit to Cambodia.

Neak Oknha Lim Heng extended a warm welcome to the Chinese-Shanghai delegation and emphasized Shanghai’s status as one of China’s leading economic centers in finance, technology, and manufacturing.

He highlighted the strong relationship between China and Cambodia, elevated to a comprehensive strategic partnership in 2010. Both governments have committed to enhancing cooperation in six priority areas: political cooperation, quality and production capacity, agriculture, energy, security, and people-to-people exchanges.

Neak Oknha encouraged Chinese investors to explore Cambodia’s abundant investment opportunities and robust economic growth. He emphasized the country’s favorable investment climate, including 100% foreign ownership, attractive incentives, and a vast global market.

China and Cambodia have established several cooperation frameworks, including the China-Cambodia Free Trade Agreement, the Belt and Road Initiative, the Lancang-Mekong Free Trade Agreement, the China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement, and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP).

Mr. Zhou Minhao expressed his gratitude to Neak Oknha Lim Heng for the meeting and discussed the strong ties between Cambodia and China, encompassing direct investment and bilateral trade. He expressed interest in Cambodian agricultural products and encouraged their export to the Shanghai market through existing mechanisms and e-commerce.

Chairman Zhou invited the Cambodian Chamber of Commerce to participate in the 7th China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai in November. He highlighted the success of some Shanghai companies operating in Cambodia, showcasing the potential for stronger Shanghai-Cambodia cooperation.

The meeting concluded in a friendly atmosphere, with both sides discussing future cooperation projects and exploring mutual business opportunities.

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