Chinese Construction Giant Explores Cambodian SEZ and Infrastructure Opportunities

PHNOM PENH: Shanghai Geoharbour Construction Group, a leading Chinese construction firm, has expressed strong interest in expanding its investments in Cambodia, particularly in the areas of special economic zones (SEZs) and infrastructure development.

The company is already a significant player in the country’s construction sector, having been involved in the construction of the Techo International Airport.

During a recent meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Sun Chanthol, Chairman Xu Shilong of Shanghai Geoharbour discussed the company’s plans to explore investment opportunities in Cambodian SEZs and infrastructure projects. He highlighted the company’s extensive experience in large-scale construction projects across Asia, including seaports, airports, and artificial islands.

Deputy Prime Minister Chanthol welcomed Shanghai Geoharbour’s interest and encouraged the company to conduct further research into potential investment opportunities. He emphasized the Cambodian government’s commitment to creating a favorable investment climate and supporting the development of SEZs and infrastructure projects.

The potential for collaboration between Shanghai Geoharbour and the Cambodian government offers significant opportunities for both parties. The Chinese construction giant can leverage its expertise and resources to contribute to Cambodia’s economic growth and development, while the Cambodian government can benefit from the company’s investment and create jobs for local communities.

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