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Estatedia | Economy & Real Estate Media in Cambodia

Cambodia’s top 4 special economic zones for investors

PHNOM PENH: The Cambodian Special Economic Zone Board, or CSEZB, first introduced SEZs in 2005. Since then it is regarded as one of the measures to improve the investment climate in Cambodia for both domestic and foreign firms.

Cambodian Special Economic Zones are strategically prepared zones where any business can operate with easy access to transportation infrastructure. The SEZ’s export output has increased significantly over the last few years. SEZs are located in the best possible location to help your business thrive and become a success story.

So far, the country has 24 SEZs operating with 561 investment projects and employing more than 160 000 locals, but there are four major SEZs to be seen this year with significant investment opportunities.

1. Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone (SSEZ)

Operates the 11.13 square kilometer special economic zone on Cambodia’s southern coast, which is the largest in terms of size and occupancy in the Kingdom.

2. Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (PPSEZ)

Founded in 2006, is home to over 100 tenant companies. Cambodia is an appealing country to invest in because of its proximity to Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos, making it a strategic location for logistics and boasting comparatively low wages. As a result, many businesses see Cambodia as an ideal location to diversify their operations.

3. Manhattan Special Economic Zone (MSEZ)

Is the premier destination for investors looking to enter the Cambodian market. Since 2005, the MSEZ has been a key driver of Cambodia’s long-term development, mutual benefit, and co-prosperity. MSEZ, which covers 400 hectares, employs over 36,000 people. Invest in the MSEZ and enjoy the unparalleled economic benefits of Cambodia’s first and foremost special economic zone.

4. Tai Seng SEZ

Located in Bavet, offers over 65 hectares of land with road, electrical, and water infrastructure. The SEZ is ideal for industrial and manufacturing needs because it is located along the main road and very close to the border with Vietnam.

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