Cambodia’s Cashew Nut Industry Seeks Local Boost as World’s Second-Largest Producer

PHNOM PENH: As Cambodia solidifies its position as the world’s second-largest producer of raw cashew nuts, the industry is now focusing on boosting domestic consumption and value-added processing.

A key step in this direction was a recent meeting chaired by Her Excellency TOR Pila, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Commerce. Yesterday meeting aimed to promote the use of processed cashew nuts in local markets, including hotels, airlines, and restaurants.

Representatives from various sectors, including civil aviation, tourism, and the cashew industry, attended the meeting. They expressed their support for the government’s efforts to promote cashew nut consumption and implement the National Cashew Policy.

The cashew nut industry has experienced significant growth in Cambodia in recent years, driven by factors such as favorable climate conditions and increased cultivation. However, to fully realize its potential, the industry needs to diversify its markets and increase value-added processing.

Uon Silot, President of the Cashew Nut Association of Cambodia (CAC), emphasized the need for additional investment to support infrastructure development and promote local processing. He noted that increased local processing can create jobs and reduce reliance on intermediaries.

While Cambodia has achieved significant success in exporting raw cashew nuts, particularly to Vietnam, there is a growing emphasis on developing a domestic market for processed products. This not only adds value to the industry but also contributes to the country’s economic diversification.

Cambodia’s Global Recognition

Cambodia’s rise to the position of the world’s second-largest raw cashew nut producer is a testament to its agricultural prowess. This achievement is a result of various factors, including favorable climate conditions, increased cultivation, and government support for the industry.

By focusing on both domestic consumption and export markets, Cambodia’s cashew nut industry is poised to continue its growth and contribute significantly to the country’s economy.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, Cambodia’s raw cashew nut exports witnessed a remarkable surge in the first six months of 2024.

The total export value reached nearly $1 billion, significantly surpassing the annual total for 2023. This impressive figure accounted for approximately one-third of Cambodia’s total agricultural exports, solidifying cashew nuts as the Kingdom’s top agricultural export earner.

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