Cambodian Chamber of Commerce Convenes Meeting to Address Private Sector Business Costs

PHNOM PENH: On Wednesday, September 18, 2024, the Cambodian Chamber of Commerce held a meeting chaired by Neak Oknha Lim Heng, Vice President and Chairman of the Working Group on Private Sector Affairs.

The primary objective of the gathering was to collect input from various stakeholders on reducing the costs of doing business for the private sector in Cambodia.

Representatives from numerous private sector associations, including CAMFFEBA, TAFTAC, CFA, CLA, CAMTA, CAMBA, CRF, FASMEC, and leading companies, attended the meeting.

They discussed issues such as clearance fees, terminal handling charges, lift-on/lift-off fees, electricity prices, and related tax incentives under the new investment law, among other matters.

The Private Sector Coordinating Secretariat of the Cambodian Chamber of Commerce will compile the recommendations from the meeting and advocate for their implementation. These recommendations will be presented to the relevant government agencies and policymakers to promote a more favorable business environment in Cambodia.

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